Thursday, 30 May 2013

New lights!

Today I bought a new light set...strips of LED lights that change colour. So much neater than the lights I was using before...AND they have a lovely control which could enable people in an exhibition to control the lighting themselves. Could be interesting.

but do they work as well with print? The colours appear much brighter, and there is more white light.
Plus they don't flash as quickly, so am unsure about which set to use now.


Monday, 20 May 2013

Tape Attack II

Southbank Centre, London.

Tape attack..

Quick and fun way of testing designs on large surfaces: use tape! I love doing this, you can put a design anywhere without worrying about it not quite working. If it doesn't look right, it just peels straight off again!

 On to a mirrored floor...

Southbank Centre, London. 

Using reflective tape. Looks very cool from far away, especially at night. But then everything started peeling off as quickly as we could get it on! Next time...gaffa tape...

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Design for screenprinted wallpaper

Based on some drawings I did a while back, which combined cityscapes with optical illusions. 
I then developed the images in Adobe Illustrator. Before screen printing, I shall work back into them with hand drawings to avoid it appearing like a computer print out! 

The colours here are hideous, but can obviously be changed when printing.  Currently working on different colour-ways using a fantastic book. To be uploaded shortly.

The pattern is designed to be printed in 3 colours, each translucent, so that there are a range of mid-tones and depths of colour.  

Monday, 13 May 2013


Went to an event on a boat run by The Wild Rumpus. Essentially, it was an amazing old boat full of huddles of people playing crazy techno video games. Fantastic.

And there was a live set by Chipzel, who has recently done music for a game called Super Hexagon.

Super Hexagon was projected as a backdrop to her set. The projection of it was super-cool. I had never considered looking at games for inspiration before now, but this definitely is.

Graphic shapes, amazing colours and optical illusions...and the game is even harder to play than it is to watch!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Light & Space

As promised below, a short clip demonstrating the way that lighting and print can change an entire space....

Sunday, 5 May 2013


So, designing wallpaper is all very well, but my aim has always been to create something a bit...more. 

A bit more interesting, a bit more immersive and a bit more experiential. 

Using wallpapered surfaces at a large scale and using coloured lighting to change the appearance of the pattern.

These are digital images; just an example of how an exhibtion space would appear.
There will be a video shortly to show this further. I'm excited!

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Videos of Work

So I've been recording all of my experiments with lighting and print-making as mini-films,  some of which I have already posted on here.

Heres a link to my youtube channel.

One day I will learn to use a real film camera and record these things properly/ hire somebody else to do it.

But the gist is there: I'm continuing to play with lighting with different printed patterns to use for a proposal for an installation piece.